Speech Language Pathology Assistant – Oklahoma City Community College
Degree Offered: Associate in Applied Science in Speech-Language Pathology Assistance
7777 South May Avenue
Oklahoma City,OK 73159
Phone: 405.682.7535
Email: admissions@occ.edu
Website: http://www.occc.edu/academics/programs/index.html
Financial Aid
Phone: 405.682.7525
Email: financialaid@occ.edu
More information: http://www.occc.edu/financialaid/index.html
*Note that these prices are subject to change:
Resident Tuition per Hour: $82.55
Fees and additional info: http://www.occc.edu/bursar/tuition-fees.html
Admission Requirements:
*Note that meeting these requirements does not guarantee admission and are subject to change
- Background check
- Must pass drug test
- GPA 2.5
- Compass Reading Placement Score: 86+
- Foundations of Speech-Language
- Phonetics
- Professional Issues for Speech-Language Pathology Assistants
- Introduction to Articulation Disorders
- Anatomy & Physiology of the Speech and Hearing Mechanism
- School Issues for the Speech-Language Pathology Assistant
- Instructional Procedures in Communication Disorders
- Medical Issues of the Speech-Language Pathologist
- Autism
- Clinical Experience
- Adult Neurogenic Communication Disorders and Treatment
- Augmentative Communications