PhD in Nursing – The University of New Mexico
Degree Offered: PhD in Nursing
2502 Marble Ave NE
Albuquerque, NM
Phone: 1.800.690.0934
Email: Jbelsher@salud.unm.edu
Website: http://nursing.unm.edu/prospective-students/phd-program/index.html
Financial Aid
Phone: 505.277.8900
Email: finaid@unm.edu
More information: http://financialaid.unm.edu/
*Note that these prices are subject to change:
Estimated Hour Cost: $366
Breakdown of Additional Fees: http://bursar.unm.edu/docs/2015SpringTuitionandFees.pdf
Admission Requirements:
*Note that meeting these requirements does not guarantee admission and are subject to change
- Submission of application: http://nursing.unm.edu/apply-now.html
- Grade of B or better in all previous classes
- GPA +3.5
- Registered nurse licensure in NM
- Completion of all pre-requisites
- Letter of Intent
- Thesis, published, or any other relevant research work
- 3 Recommendations
- Resume/CV
*Subject to change, may not include core requirements
- Philosophy of Science in Nursing
- Nursing Knowledge Development
- Substantive Nursing Knowledge
- Quantitative Methods in Nursing Research
- Qualitative Methods of Nursing Research
- Advanced Health Care Statistics
- PhD Seminar
- Clinical Nursing Therapeutics & Outcomes
- Mixed Methods Research
- Instrumentation
- Critical Ethnography & CBPR in Health Care Research
- Behavioral Observation Methods
- Qualitative Data Analysis
- Various Electives