There are several things you can do to ensure success during your medical school interview. First and foremost, be respectful to everyone you come in contact with. You’ll likely be meeting a parade of different people, including tour guides, current students, secretaries and more. Strive to leave a positive impression on everyone you meet. It can only help your chances of being accepted.
While this may seem pretty obvious, stay off of your phone during the medical school interview. It’s advised to turn your phone off completely for the duration of the interview. If you must leave it on, make sure the volume is turned off.
During any Q&A session, make sure you listen to each question carefully. Don’t show up to the interview expecting a set of questions with pre-planned answers. It’s great to prepare for the interview, but there’s always a possibility that interviewers will ask you something you aren’t ready for. That’s why it’s crucial to listen and understand each and every question before answering.
To that point, don’t answer questions with responses that you believe admissions directors want to hear. Most admissions officers have been in the profession for a long time, so they will be able to detect when you’re being insincere. Instead, be honest with all of your answers. Speak straight from the heart and always be authentic.
Finally, maintain your poise and go with the interviewers flow at all times. Each admissions officer has their own interview style, so be prepared to deal with different personalities. Also make sure you review your application before any interview. No two interviews are ever the same, so it’s best to at least glance over your application before each one.