Will Online Ultrasound Technician Schools Prepare You For a New Career?

Online educational programs are providing new opportunities for people who are unable to attend classes in a traditional campus setting. For those looking to break into the medical profession, online ultrasound technician schools are a popular option.

The financial crisis forced a lot of people out of their careers and into the job market, where recession proof employment is a popular option. A lot of high school graduates are also looking to enter the field because of the growing opportunities and salary potential.

With a diverse population looking to break into a medical career, schools have adapted to meet the varying needs of students. The younger generation is much more internet savvy and prefer the option of logging on to attend class.

Many mid-level professionals prefer online ultrasound technician schools because of the scheduling freedom. Someone with a full-time day job can’t feasibly attend classes in person. For parents, the option is equally appealing.

Tips for choosing online ultrasound technician schools

Are Online Schools Accredited?

It’s important to note that while students will be able to complete a good amount of coursework online, it is nearly impossible for an accredited school to offer a 100 percent online program. To conform to the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs (CAAHEP) requirements, students must complete certain clinical requirements in a lab or hospital setting.

Accreditation is an important factor when it comes to choosing online ultrasound technician schools. Most employers won’t consider hiring a technician who did not attend an accredited program.

What is an ARDMS Examination?

The American registry for Diagnostic Medical Sonography (ARDMS) is national certification organization that acts as a watchdog to ensure all ultrasound professionals are qualified and able to work in with patients and properly operate sonography equipment. Virtually every hospital, clinic and medical laboratory requires ARDMS certification, which is administered through an examination.

Anyone who earned a bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution will be automatically eligible to sit for ARDMS exam, while someone who attended a two-year program must complete 12 months of full-time clinical ultrasound experience. Most accredited two-year programs offer internship opportunities that will allow students to obtain the necessary experience to take the exam.

Passing the exam is the only way to earn RDMS (Registered Diagnostic Medical Sonographer) certification. There are several areas of specialty for sonographers and each area requires its own examination.

Abdomen (AB)

Breast (BR)

Fetal Echocardiography (FE)

Obstetrics and Gynecology (AE)

Ultrasoud technicians who specialize in cardiac sonography are required to earn separate certification, RDCS (Registered Diagnostic Cardiac Sonographer). Examnations include:

Adult Echocardiography (AE)

Fetal Echocardiography (FE)

Pediatric Echocardiography (PE)

What are the Advantages/Disadvantages of Online Ultrasound Technician Schools?

The main advantage of online ultrasound technician schools is the freedom that they provide. Being able to attend class from the comfort of your home at any time of day is a valuable asset for many people that allows ample time for a job or family.

Of course, there are drawbacks. Being in the same room as the instructors has its advantages, particularly when a student needs to ask an important question during a lecture. Being around classmates can also help when someone gets stuck on a particular concept.

The clinical experience and lab classroom setting is another advantage of attending classes in person.

A good online program combines the best of both worlds. There should be enough classes offered online that students won’t have to spend too much time on campus. on the other and, some classes simply need to be taught in a clinical setting, and these courses should not be taught online.


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